We decided to join the Peace Corps in June 2010. We played with the idea over the years and finally just decided to do it! Our process has been pretty long, but has been a good exercise in patience.
Every applicant wants to know how long the process will take, so here's what it was for us:
July 2010 - Bridge's application submitted
Sept. 2010 - Matt's application submitted
Nov. 2010 - Legally cleared
Jan. 2011 - Interviews
May 2011 - Nomination: Agriculture, Caribbean.
June 2011 - Medical packet received
July 2011 - Medical packet submitted
September 2011 - Medically cleared
October 12, 2011 - Placement officer discussion
November, 2011 - Invitation! Matt was invited to be a middle school math teacher, Bridgette as a high school science teacher in Ghana. Departure date June 4, 2012. We accept our invitation.
February 2012 - New placement officer called to tell us we can't go to Ghana due to a medical issue. We have been invited to serve in Botswana as Agriculture Volunteers leaving April!